How Agricultural Properties Can Save Money on Solar Installations

The use of renewable energy for powering agricultural operations has been on the rise in recent years. Solar energy, in particular, has gained popularity due to its many advantages including lower energy costs, reduced carbon footprint, and energy independence.
However, traditional methods of installing solar panels on rooftops or embedding them in the ground may not be practical or possible for some agricultural properties. This is where ground mounted solar comes in.
Ground mounted solar racking – particularly ballasted ground mounts – deliver numerous financial and logistical benefits for agricultural properties.
Read on to find out just some of the ways agricultural solar installers can save money– and time.
Fast Install: Ground mounted solar panels can be quickly installed without any complicated drilling, trenching, or construction equipment. With ballasted solar mounts like the one-piece PowerRack, the bucket-like product is simply placed on the ground and filled with local ballast material. This means that installations can be completed in a fraction of the time it takes to install traditional methods. Shorter install time = fewer dollars spent.
Unskilled, Local Labor: Because ballasted solutions like the PowerRack are so easy to install, ground mounted solar systems can be set up by unskilled, local labor. Instead of paying for construction teams to travel to the project site, agricultural solar installers can source local, unskilled laborers for installation. Not only does this lower project costs, but it also increases the potential for local economic benefits.
No Ground Penetration: Traditional methods of installing solar panels in the ground require extensive digging and ground penetration, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Ballasted solar ground mounts, on the other hand, use a non-penetrating system that provides a more cost-effective and efficient installation process. This means that agricultural installers can protect their land while also saving thousands on construction and engineering costs.
Permanent AND Portable: Ballasted ground mounted solar systems are both permanent and portable. The PowerRack provides permanent solar racking, but can also be moved as needed. In the same way that installation is fast and easy, so is removal.
Scaleable: Ground mounted solar is highly scalable, meaning the system can be easily expanded or reduced as needed. This flexibility allows for the system to grow with the needs of the agricultural property, whether it’s to accommodate new operations or absorb changes in energy demand.
Durable, Recyclable, Low Profile: The 100% recyclable PowerRack ground mount is built to withstand the elements, having been tested at extremely high winds and intense weather conditions. The rack’s low profile design blends seamlessly into any kind of landscape, providing an aesthetically pleasing addition to any kind of agricultural property.

Ballasted ground mounted solar racks provide agricultural properties with a dig-free solution that results in significant cost-savings and logistical benefits.
More and more agricultural property owners are shifting towards use of the PowerRack for their solar needs. Interested in the PowerRack might work for your business? Contact us today.